During my internet downtime a couple of weekends ago, I spent some time 'designing' a new map to use for the blog. Well, not really designing but recolouring an existing map. Here's the base map: Now, I know from here it isn't very clear, but it doesn't really need to be. It's the colouring that I've changed. Here's the colour key: England France Italy Germany Austria-Hungary Turkey Russia Sea spaces Neutral spaces Armies Fleets This produces a gaudy map, I know, and it isn't anything like the traditional map colour-wise, but it's at least clear, I hope. Not much use if you're completely colour-blind, but I'd hope if you don't easily differentiate between similar colours, this should work for you. Anyway, that's it. Just a bit of info that, from today onward, this is the map I'll be using.
A blog about the boardgame Diplomacy.