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Opening Moves

I'm going to add to this page as I add to the blog.

A lot of opening moves are already named. I've kept some of these but I've renamed others where there is really some potential confusion over what the name could refer to. For instance, in England's opening moves there are no less than three combinations that share the name 'Yorkshire' for them. I mean, come on.


Northern Openings
  • The Churchill Opening: F Edi-NWG, F Lon-NTH, A Lpl-Edi
  • The Tyne Opening: F Edi-NWG, F Lon-NTH, A Lpl-Yor
Southern Openings
  • The Forth Opening: F Edi-NTH, F Lon-ENG, A Lpl-Edi
  • The Humber Opening: F Edi-NTH, F Lon-ENG, A Lpl-Yor
  • The Dyfi Opening: F Edi-NTH, F Lon-ENG, A Lpl-Wal
The Splits Openings
  • The Tweed Opening: F Edi-NWG, F Lon-ENG, A Lpl-Edi
  • The Ouse Opening: F Edi-NWG, F Lon-ENG, A Lpl-Yor
  • The Severn Opening: F Edi-NWG, F Lon-ENG, A Lpl-Wal
The Western Opening: F Edi-Cly, F Lon-ENG, A Lpl-Wal


Manche Openings
  • The Dijon Opening: F Bre-ENG, A Mar-Spa, A Par-Bur
  • The Calais Opening: F Bre-ENG, A Mar-Spa, A Par-Pic
  • The Bordeaux Opening: F Bre-ENG, A Mar-Spa, A Par-Gas
  • The Lyon Opening: F Bre-ENG, A Mar S Par-Bur, A Par-Bur
  • The Northern Dash Opening: F Bre-ENG, A Mar-Spa, A Par-Bur
  • The Northern Limp Opening: F Bre-ENG, A Mar H, A Par-Bur
Atlantic Openings
  • The Brussels Opening: F Bre-MAO, A Mar-Bur, A Par-Pic
  • The Metz Opening: F Bre-MAO, A Mar-Spa, A Par-Bur
  • The Pyrenees Opening: F Bre-MAO, A Mar-Spa, A Par-Gas
  • The Gaspic Opening: F Bre-MAO, A Mar-Gas, A Par-Pic
  • The Maginot Opening: F Bre-MAO, A S Par-Bur, A Par-Pic
  • The Amiens Opening: F Bre-MAO, A Mar-Spa, A Par-Pic
  • The Nice Opening: F Bre-MAO, A Mar-Pie, A Par-Gas
  • The Vineyard Opening: F Bre-MAO, A Mar-Bur, A Par-Gas
  • The Brittany Opening: F Bre-Gas, A Mar-Gas, A Par-Bur
The Biscay Opening: F Bre-Gas, A Mar-Spa, A Par-Bur

The Norman Opening: F Bre-Pic, A Mar-Spa, A Par-Bur


Lepanto Openings
  • The Udine Opening: F Nap-ION, A Rom-Apu, A Ven H
  • The Anti-Hedgehog Opening: F Nap-ION, A Rom-Ven, A Ven-Apu
  • The Dalmatian Opening: F Nap-ION, A Rom-Apu, A Ven-Tri
  • The Neapolitan Opening: F Nap-ION, A Rom-Nap, A Ven H
  • The Genoese Opening: F Nap-ION, A Rom-Apu, A Ven-Pie
  • The Innsbruck Opening: F Nap-ION, A Rom-Apu, A Ven-Tyl
  • The Venezia Opening: F Nap-ION, A Rom-Ven, A Ven-Tri
The Fiorenza Opening: F Nap-TYS, A Rom-Tus, A Ven-Pie

The Obriani Opening: F Nap-ION, A Rom-Ven, A Ven-Tyl

The McGivern Opening: F Nap-TYS, A Rom-Ven, A Ven-Tyl

The Alpine Chicken: F Nap-TYS, A Rom-Ven, A Ven-Pie


Blitzkrieg Openings
  • The Wadden Opening: F Kie-HEL, A Ber-Kie, A Mun-Ruh
  • The Schleswig Opening: F Kie-Den, A Ber-Kie, A Mun-Ruh
  • The Baltkrieg Opening: F Kie-BAL, A Ber-Kie, A Mun-Ruh
  • The Amsterdam Opening: F Kie-Hol, A Ber-Kie, A Mun-Ruh
Anschluss Openings
  • The Salzburg Opening: F Kie-Den, A Ber-Kie, A Mun-Tyl
  • The Sudetenland Opening: F Kie-Den, A Ber-Kie, A Mun-Boh
  • The Sorbian Opening: F Kie-Den, A Ber-Kie, A Mun-Sil
Dutch Openings
  • The Czech Opening: F Kie-Hol, A Ber-Kie, A Mun-Boh
  • The Strasbourg Opening: F Kie-Hol, A Ber-Kie, A Mun-Bur
  • The Krakow Opening: F Kie-Hol, A Ber-Kie, A Mun-Sil
Prussian Openings
  • The Teutonic Opening: F Kie-HEL, A Ber-Pru, A Mun-Ruh
  • The Barbarossa Opening: F Kie-Hol, A Ber-Pru, A Mun-Sil
  • The Centrifuge Opening: F Kie-BAL, A Ber-Pru, A Mun-Kie
Silesian Openings
  • The Katowice Opening: F Kie-Den, A Ber-Sil, A Mun-Bur
  • The Frederich Opening: F Kie-Den, A Ber-Sil, A Mun-Ruh
  • The Slavic Opening: F Kie-Den, A Ber-Sil, A Mun-Boh
The Dutch Boy Opening: F Kie-HEL, A Ber-Kie, A Mun-Bur

The Western Barbarossa Opening: F Kie-BAL, A Ber-Kei, A Mun-Sil

The Danish Gambit Opening: F Kie-Hol, A Ber-Mun, A Mun-Ruh

The Rhineland Opening: F Kie-Den, A Ber-Mun, A Mun-Bur

The Berlin Defence Opening: F Kie-Den, A Ber H, A Mun-Kie


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